Info about using a “CAN”
I’m now a “Brand Ambassador” for Phoenix Weaponry, LLC out of Berthoud, Co.
Phoenix Weaponry LLC; is an all inclusive Custom Built Weapons company doing Customizations and Precision Manufacturing of Parts. They handle and maintain NFA Regulated Items (Class II) and LEO/Government Class III arms. Most noteworthy they do FFL Transfers, Retail Sales, Gunsmithing, and Repairs.
What I’ll be doing is having all of my Varmint rifles threaded for a Suppressor. I’ll be using one “Can” for 22 LR through 6 BR using sixteen different calibers. For the different size of barrels an adapter will need to be use on some. I use 23 different Varmint Rifles for my trips. Due to only using one rifle at a time, only one “can” will be needed.
Over the years I’ve had most of my rifles threaded for “muzzle brakes”. Using six different gunsmiths I have six different threads. Consequently my first problems will be getting adapters made.
Thadeus (Operations Manager) at Phoenix Weaponry 720.340.2496 says “it’s an easy fix”. Most of my rifles will use a ½ X 28 thread adapter or be adapted to 5/8 X 24 thread of the “Can”.
Be sure to check them out on their website at: www/
If you decide to make a purchase tell them you got the info from
“The Varmint Terminator”
for up to a 15% discount on some items.
As the weather clears up to get into the fields I’ll do more and more articles and videos on my website:
Plus my Facebook and Instagram at:
Notice the “a” is missing from terminator and its DOT will
Check out my “YouTube videos “at the link below by clicking on it. Subscribe to my channel to be able to view all of my future videos shooting varmints.
The velocity difference between NO BRAKE, with BRAKE, and WITH SUPPRESSOR while shooting my 222 Rem and 6 Br was a surprise.
NONE Basically !!!!
The 222 Rem with a factory Varmint barrel was:
Nothing 51/16 2,742 fps
w/MB 22/18 2,754 fps
Suppressor 68/28 2,766 fps
24 fps from low/ high
The 51/16 is: 51 fps difference from low/ high velocity. 16 is the SD standard deviation
Using my 6 BR with a Shilen Match 28” #8 contour barrel was:
Nothing 7/3 3,528 fps
w/MB 30/13 3,540 fps
Suppressor 10/7 3,553 fps
25 fps from low/ high
As far as accuracy, the lighter barrel on the 222 Rem didn’t like the heavy Suppressor. Consequently when I start using a much lighter Suppressor I’m sure it will do much better .
Because of it’s heavy barrel the 6 BR wasn’t affected by the heavy Suppressor.
Be sure to check out Phoenix Weapony on their website at: www/
If you decide to make a purchase tell them you got the info from:
“The Varmint Terminator”
for up to a 15% discount on some items.
#varmintgun #varminthunting#varminterminator#varmintshooting #varmintsbeware #varmintrifle#varmintrifles#varminthunter#varmints #wildcatcartridges#wildcatcartridge#boltrifles #precisionrifle #customguns #customrifle#boltgun #varmintgun

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